Friday, January 30, 2009

Day two on the Road

So, I'm sitting in a Super 8 Motel in Amarillo, Texas after driving all day. Yesterday we left bright and early (and slightly hungover- thanks to all who helped contribute to that, haha) and drove to Effingham, Illinois. Drive wasn't too bad only hit a little bit of bad weather and not much traffic. Today there was slightly more traffic, but still not too bad. Being crammed in a tiny car with my mom and dog is going more smoothly than anticipated. My mom and I only argued about the giant cookie. I wanted to just throw it out because it kept falling on the dog and getting icing everywhere. She did not. She did not have to keep crawling into the back seat and clean icing off of everything. I won in the end and the cookie got tossed. Other than that it's been pretty drama free. She drove the entire day today and I'm pretty sure that was just because she wanted to listen to her book on tape. Side note, I am NOT a fan of books on tape. They're just way to slow and it bothers me that one person does the voice for every character. Thank goodness for ipods.

So, driving through very flat countryside at night causes one to think- way too much. I couldn't help but notice how many stars you can see. It makes you feel so small. I've had way too much time to think. I know I said I was giving fear the finger... but fear is much more powerful than I originally thought. As I was driving 15 hours a day for the last two days, it made me really think about what I'm leaving behind as well as the fact that I have no job and know a handful of people. I'm less worried about not having a job than I am about feeling lonely. I'm confident in my ability to get a job and less confident in my ability to meet people and make new friends... how messed up is that? I even started crying becuase I missed my cat. I felt really bad that I'm not bringing him considering he has been abandoned by his last two owners. I mean it's not like I'm putting him on the street he's just gonna hang out with my parents, but eithe way it made me really sad I left him behind.

I also realized how blessed I've been with the people in my life. My family is ridiculously supportive of the decisions I make. I have amazing friends that I've known forever and even though we may have grown apart in the past, we always make it back to each other. Randi accepted me into her group of friends with no hesitation. Dan has showed me that chivalry is not dead and there are still nice boys out there. Kate's free spirit is always refreshing, and Jen has been family to me for over ten years. She knows me better than most and sometimes it's a little scary. There are plenty of others who've made my life up to now pleasurable and bareable. I can only hope that I meet people out in California who are half as amazing as the people I left behind. I mean I know my roomates are amazing people, but I'm worried we'll have opposite schedules and I won't have anyone else to hang out with (at least not at first).

Well I should probably stop there, although I'm sure I could continue. We're only driving 11 hours tomorrow! haha We should make it to Kingman, Arizona. Happy Trails

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